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1 c. all-purpose flour

1/2 c. granulated table salt

1/4 c. or more liquid tempra paint

Enough water to

make a pliable -

but not sticky dough

Mix flour and salt together. (Divide dough into several parts for different colors). Add paint to each. Add water until pliable. Knead dough until smooth and wrap in sandwich bag to prevent drying out. Store in a cool, dry place until ready to use. Dough will keep for several days. First roll a smooth ball between palms of hands and use fingers to shape dough. Place on foil and design your ornaments. Work with one color at a time and wash hands between colors. To attach added pieces to your ornaments moisten with a small amount of water. Garlic press, knives, cookies cutters are common tools for project. Ornaments are baked on DULL side of heavy-duty aluminum foil in a 300 degree oven until lightly brown. Finish completely cooled ornaments with a high gloss craft glaze. Paper clip or hanger can be used to hang ornament. Store dry ornament in dry - not too warm area.