This recipe won me first place many, many years ago in Horima Courier Contest. 2 cans cream corn (#2)
2 cans whole corn (#2)
1 can corn on cob
1 tsp. parsley
1/2 lb. to 2 lbs. salt meat
1 can tomato paste (or 1 1/2 cans
paste to every 6 cans creamed & 6
cans whole corn)
2 med. onions
1 cooking spoon sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. onion tops
Cut and pre-boil salt meat. Then brown a little in a little cooking oil. Take out and put aside. Brown tomato paste in same cooking oil until dark brown. If there is too much oil, take out some. Add chopped onions and simmer a while. Then add salt meat, corn and rest of seasonings. You may add black pepper or any other spice that you like. To every can of corn, add two cups of water. Boil for about 1 hour, watching that you have enough water at all time.