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1 plastic canvas circle, 4 inches - 9


Facetes or tri-beads - 80 mm 60 each

in rainbow colors

1/8 inch ribbons, 6 to 8 of varied

colors for each rainbow

Size 20 tapestry or darning needle or

special plastic canvas needle,

#16, #18 will do

Cut circle in half and cut center out 2 or 3 rows to create rainbow shape. Cut one ribbon about 8 inches to hang rainbow with. Lay the ribbons out together and plan your color scheme before you begin. Cut them to length to allow each ribbon to hang at least 7-8 inches below edge of plastic canvas. Thread first ribbon through needle. Keep ribbon flat and untwisted as you work. Starting at the outside edge thread the needle through every other hole, leaving ends hang down. Next ribbon starts two rows toward center and 3rd ribbon is 2 rows in from 2nd ribbon and so on. Thread 5 beads on each end of ribbon and tie a knot below the last bead or bells may be added to the ends.