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1 env. unflavored gelatin

1/4 c. cold water to soften above

1 (4 serving) pkg. sugar-free

raspberry gelatin

1 c. boiling water

2 c. (1/2 lb.) frozen cranberries

1 c. juice-pack unsweetened crushed

pineapple* with juice

1 c. unsweetened applesauce*

5 packets artificial sweetener

Place the clean, still frozen berries in the boiling water. Return to boiling and allow berries to pop open (8 to 15 minutes). Do not stir! Soften the unflavored gelatin in the 1/4 cup cold water, then add both gelatins to the hot cranberries; stir until dissolved. Add the pineapple with juice, the applesauce, and sweetener. Do not prepare this in a gelatin mold! Stir. Pour into a 10 cup mold and chill until set. 1 serving = 1 fruit exchange (approximately 60 calories). *Tip: Prechill unopened cans or jars of fruit in refrigerator. Desserts and salads will be thoroughly cooled and will set much more quickly.