Use firm, slightly underripe, well-flavored fruit. Peel and cut into lengthwise slices: Peaches or apricots
Dip the fruit in boiling water, briefly, for easy removal of skins. Slice and measure fruit. 3/4 c. sugar
2 tbsp. water
1 1/2 tsp. lemon juice
1/4 c. blanched almonds
Stir the sugar, water and lemon juice and cook it for 5 minutes. Add the fruit and nuts (more or less if you like). Simmer until transparent or if you prefer, omit the water and just pour the sugar over the peaches and permit them to stand 2 hours before adding nuts and lemon. Place in glass jars with 2-piece metal lids. Store in cool, dark place. The skins may be left on fruit if thin and tender.