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1 tsp. lemon pepper

1/4 tsp. chili powder

2 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. pepper

1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper (optional)

2 tbsp. Liquid Smoke

1 1/2 c. water

2 1/2 meat (beef brisket is ideal)

Slice meat into strips 1/8 inch thick, 1 1/2 inches wide, 6 inches long. (Have the butcher use the mechanical cutter to save time.) Blend spices and water. Marinate meat strips with spice mix in covered bowl. Refrigerate overnight. Heat oven to "warm" (lowest setting) and place strips on cookie sheets (use tin foil for easy cleanup) so that they do not touch. Cook in low oven for 20-24 hours or until meat is cooked through and dry, but not burnt to touch, turning strips once or twice for even cooking. Store strips in airtight container. Refrigeration is not necessary. OPTIONAL COOKING TIP: Halfway through cooking, brush meat with barbecue sauce to increase moisture and improve taste; but be aware that brushed meat will not keep as long. Mojave Jerky is an excellent camping food!