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Silica gel or uncolored kitty litter*

Floral wire

Floral tape

*Sift kitty litter, discarding larger pieces. 1. Trim stems 1/2 to 3/4 inch from base of flowers. Spread silica gel, 1 to 2 inches deep, in small glass or paper bowl or 2-cup measure. Prepare 1 container for each flower. 2. Arrange 1 flower, blossom-side up, in each bowl of silica gel. Sprinkle additional gel between petals, covering flower completely. 3. Place 1 or 2 flowers in oven as directed on chart. Place 2-cup measure filled with water in oven. Microwave as directed. Remove from oven and allow to finish drying for at least 12 hours. 4. Remove flowers carefully, shaking gently to remove silica gel. Use small paintbrush to remove any remaining gel. Attach floral wire to stems with floral tape.FLOWER DRYING GUIDE:

Use Power Level 9 for all of the following: 2 carnations for 3 to 3 1/2 minutes; 2 daisies for 1 to 2 minutes; 2 daisy mums (pom poms) for 3 to 4 minutes; and 1 rose for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes. TIPS: Choose brightly-colored flowers that are partially open. White and pastel flowers may turn brown. Spray dried flowers with hair spray or acrylic spray coating for protection. Let spray dry completely.