Diabetes is a condition characterized by the body's inability to efficiently burn up the sugars (carbohydrates) which have been consumed. This is caused by an insufficient production of insulin. You do not need to buy special foods because you are diabetic. You may eat the same foods purchased for the family. Foods that are labeled "dietetic" are not necessarily intended for people with diabetes. Foods that are labeled "sugar-free" are not necessarily low in calories. Food Exchange - Foods grouped together on a list according to similarities in food values. Measured amounts of foods within the group may be used as "tradeoffs" in planning meals. A single Exchange contains equal amounts of calories, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, fats and vitamins. Calorie - A unit used to express heat or energy value of food. Nutrient - Substance in food necessary for life. Protein, fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and water are nutrients. Carbohydrate - One of the three major energy sources of foods. Carbohydrates yield about 4 calories per gram. Fat - One of the major energy sources of food. Fat yields about 9 calories per gram. Protein - One of the three major nutrient groups in foods which contain amino acids that are essential for the life processes. Protein provides about 4 calories per gram.