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1 (13 oz.) can evaporated skim milk

2 tsp. vanilla

2 envs. plain gelatin

1/3 c. lime juice, strain if fresh

1 c. boiling water

20 pkgs. Equal

Zest of 3 limes, grated rind

Green food coloring

Combine milk and vanilla. Freeze for 30 minutes. Combine gelatin and juice in a blender. Let set for 1 minute. Add boiling water and Equal; blend until smooth. Chill about 45 minutes. Put frozen milk into a small chilled bowl and whip frozen milk until stiff. Fold in lime zest. Slowly add the gelatin mixture to whipped milk. Spoon into 2 cooked pie shells or you may use a 9 x 13 inch baking dish. Garnish with lime slices and zest. Makes 16 servings. See index for Diabetic Pie Crust.