dinner plate
aluminum foil
1/3 pkg. Cellu-Clay or other dark
papier mache compound
(can be purchased at West
Concord 5&10)
empty toilet paper tube
baking soda
white vinegar
dishwashing liquid
food coloring
Part Two - Explode the volcano. 5. Fill the inside of the toilet paper tube about 1/3 with baking soda. 6. In a small glass or measuring cup, mix a few tablespoons of white vinegar, some dishwashing liquid, and the food coloring of your choice. 7. Get your Mom or Dad to stand ready with a camera. Get your brothers, sisters and friends to stand ready for some excitement. 8. Pour the vinegar/soap/coloring mixture into middle of the volcano (where the baking soda is). Your volcano should explode lots of colored foam down the side of the mountain. You may have to wait a minute before the explosion begins. If it doesn't happen, add some more vinegar to the volcano. 9. If you mop up the "lava" with a paper towel and let the volcano dry for another day, you can re-explode your volcano.