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1 lg. hot dog

1 live sassafras or maple tree stem,

4 feet long

A wood fire, burned down to "red


Prepare sassafras or maple stem by cutting off excess stems and leaves. Peel bark off one end of stem about 10 inches and make a point with a knife at that end. Puncture hot dog in 4 places with point of stem so dog does not split open prematurely. Insert peeled end of stem, lengthwise, through hot dog. Do not let stem protrude through end of hot dog, as it will burn. Place hot dog on stem over the red coals and turn it slowly. Do not put right in flame, as it will cook too quickly and blacken. When hot dog begins to "split", it will be done. Remove it from fire and place in bun with condiments. Juice from the stem will give hot dog a sweet flavor. Do NOT use oak, elm, pine, ash, etc. as they are all bitter.