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3/4 c. ground cinnamon

2 tbsp. ground cloves

1 c. applesauce

1 tbsp. ground allspice

1 tbsp. nutmeg

1/8 or 1/4 inch ribbon

Mix the applesauce and the spices in a bowl. Make a ball with the dough and then roll it out between wax paper. Using Christmas cookie cutters, cut out desired shapes you can and lay them on a wax paper lined cookie sheet. Reball the scraps and repeat the procedure using all of the dough. Take a pencil and make a hole towards the top so that ribbon can pass through it later. Lay the cookie sheets in a convenient place to dry for 4 or 5 days to dry uncovered. When dry, thread the ribbon through the holes for hanging. You can decorate one side of the ornament either by gluing things to it or painting designs. Store these in a resealable plastic bag. These make wonderful Christmas gifts that make a new wonderful family tradition. These will also be good for use as a room scent or to take musty smells out of closets or amp basements besides being attractive tree ornaments.